Friday, September 30, 2011

Things I've seen on rides

This summer my wife convinced my father-in-law to get a bike and start riding again. One day he rode around North Hampton while waiting to have work done on his car. Afterwards he said to me "I see the world in a complete different way. Things that I normally don't notice in a car suddenly are there on a bike."

I'm sure other people have had the same experience. Last year while riding on the Holden Rail Trail, I saw a hawk catch a squirrel. Other things I've seen on the rail trail include deer, and turkeys.

Earlier this month I was climbing up to Wachusett and saw this on the road.

At first I thought it was alive, but it was dead. I didn't really notice it at first. If I didn't stop to take a drink from my water bottle, I wouldn't have seen it. I've also seen deer on mile hill road on the north side of Wachusett.

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