Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2011 King's Tour of the Quabbin Century

Before I did Mount Greylock Century, I rode King's tour as a training ride. That day the weather was wet, drizzly and cold. When I got there, several people were putting their bikes away. The weather was just too miserable for them. Being a nut, I decided to do the century. Part of it was a fear of Mount Greylock century. Plus, I already got up early, had breakfast and drove out to Ruttland. Luckily, it was drizzly, but not freezing.

I headed out around 7:30. When I got to quabbin reservoir, I took a photo and bathroom break.

Even though it was overcast, it was still quite beautiful. I'm not an earthy crunchy kind of guy, but the scenery was inspiring. Once I got to the midway point, the weather started to clear up.

The last 20 miles, the sun finally came out. I managed to finish with a ride time of 6:12. According cyclemeter, the ascent was around 6800 feet. I don't know what the actual ascent was, since GPS has a big margin of error for elevation.

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