Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mount Greylock Century

This summer I rode Mount Greylock Century out in the Berkshires with some friends.

Dave, matt and rob joined me on the century. The summit of greylock is 3.491 feet.

The century started on Berkshire rail trail. It's right next to the mall.

Rob and Matt finish the century. Next year I plan to do the century again.

Even though it's been over 2 months since the century, I still remember the descent on the route 2 Mohawk Trail. It's worth climbing up Whitcomb summmit just to go down. At one point, I hit 47mph going down. Some people were going faster. They have far more skill and courage than I have. Of the three climbs, the third CAT2 climb up Hawley is by far the hardest of the three.

The first climb up mount greylock has a short steep section right at the visitor center. After that, the grade is pretty gradual. Once you get into a good rhythm, it's not hard. The second climb was the easiest of the three big climbs. Route 2 up to Whitcomb summit is a steady grade. Once I got into a nice rhythm, it wasn't bad.

What makes Hawley harder than the first 2 climbs is the change in grade. The steepest sections are over 9% grade. The longest steep sections are about 1/4-1/3 mile. There's a few sections around 3% grade where you can catch your breathe.

After Hawley hill, the rest of Greylock century is pretty easy.

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