Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Riding around Amherst

Over the weekend I was in Amherst for passover and managed to get in some good rides. One great climb is up North Valley road in Pelham. It's a CAT4 climb, but it is harder than that. North Valley / Buffam road changes grade several times, so it's actually a harder climb than going up Shutesbury road. Shutesbury road maintains the same grade for most of the 4miles, so once you get into a good rhythm, it's easy to spin up the hill.

On Saturday I rode up to the town Orange and up route 202 going south bound. I stopped at Mattawa lake and took a few pictures.

Mattawa is a nice little lake. There were a lot of people out fishing on Saturday. I saw about 10 people relaxing on beach chairs fishing. When I got to the peak of route 202, I snapped a picture of Quabbin reservoir.

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